Tuesday, February 01, 2005

If Your Kids Are This Dumb ...

At the recall blog:
Mr. Fishback said in a recdent Washington Times article that Mr. Throckmorton's view "that people can change their sexual orientation and sexual desires if they really, really want to and really, really try is risky, risky business."

What about the risks those teenagers will be exposed to if they listen to the new curriculum and start to explore sexual variations for themselves? What about the risk of AIDS and all the other STD’s they may contract? What about the emotional damage they experience from premature sexual activity outside the protection of marriage? The documented risks the new curriculum will expose every teenager to are real and deadly, not just conjecture. Let’s talk about "risky"

I really appreciate the recall folks being so open about all this. It's like a hanging change-up, waist-high. Or t-ball.

First, "those teenagers" will "listen to the new curriculum." That means, they will be told that some people are gay, and that some families have two mommies, and stuff.

Then -- the arrow of causality is short and direct here -- they will "start to explore sexual variations for themselves." Just like that. They hear people are gay, and it sounds so irresistable they run right out and start trying it themselves.

The next thing that inevitably happens is "AIDS and all the other STD’s they may contract," and "the emotional damage they experience from premature sexual activity outside the protection of marriage." Bam, just like that. From the classroom to the bedroom to a hospital room, bam-bam-bam.

Listen to this: The documented risks the new curriculum will expose every teenager to are real and deadly, not just conjecture.

People, this reasoning is bad. Kids need to be informed about sex. Information is not deadly, it supports knowledge, which supports good decisions. The idea that just hearing about something will immediately make teenagers go out and do it is, oh, I can't think of a nice word ... all right, here's one: it's absurd.

If your kids are so dumb that they will feel compelled to try everything they hear about in school, then, hey, have I got a blog for you: www.recallmontgomeryschoolboard.com.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

More ad hominem attacks instead of logic. Nice.

They're not just being told that some people are gay. They're being told that that's just another sexual variation.

It would seem that the stupid kids are the ones that still need to be told that some kids are gay. Apparently you think that Montgomery school kids are that stupid.

February 02, 2005 5:17 PM  
Blogger JimK said...

Your point is no point, about homosexuality being just another variation. So what? Homosexuality is ubiquitous in nature, throughout the animal kingdom, big deal, people do it, too.

Kids know what they hear from each other. There is nothing wrong with having the facts given to them accurately at least one time.


February 02, 2005 5:43 PM  

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