Thursday, August 31, 2006

"Logical Interpretation" Redefined

From the Washington Post:
Bush suggested last week that Democrats are promising voters to block additional money for continuing the war. Vice President Cheney this week said critics "claim retreat from Iraq would satisfy the appetite of the terrorists and get them to leave us alone." And Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld, citing passivity toward Nazi Germany before World War II, said that "many have still not learned history's lessons" and "believe that somehow vicious extremists can be appeased."

Pressed to support these allegations, the White House yesterday could cite no major Democrat who has proposed cutting off funds or suggested that withdrawing from Iraq would persuade terrorists to leave Americans alone. But White House and Republican officials said those are logical interpretations of the most common Democratic position favoring a timetable for withdrawing troops from Iraq. Bush Team Casts Foes as Defeatist

Logical interpretations.

Worry, people. This ain't how a democracy sounds.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Worry, people. This ain't how a democracy sounds."

We don't need to worry. Americans have repeatedly seen through Democratic lies.

Democrats were furious with Lieberman because he didn't support turning back on the Iraqis and they're still mad at Hillary for the same. She's a slick politician though and knows what looks good in July won't play well in November.

September 01, 2006 10:00 AM  

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